- Curve Key Editor
- Skinning Tools
- Rigging Tools
- Biped Interpolation
In order :
- Edit In and Out Tangents
- Set the Out of Range Type
- Switch skin weights between 2 bones, or send all weights from 1 bone to another. This can be also done only by using a selection of vertices
- Shortcuts to very useful Skinning parameters : Bones Affect Limit, Remove Zero Weights…
- Remove from a skin modifier all bones that don’t have any affectation
- Expose unnecessary skinned vertices
- Transform them into smaller ones, or edit their size.
- Duplicate them for each side of the body
- Expose distance between 2 nodes
- Create Spring chains from any class of nodes, assign them a specific color and then edit their own effect or multiple ones at same time
- Shortcut to edit TCB parameters